Saturday, March 31, 2012

Big Ag redefines feral, criminalizes Michigan pig owners

Always follow the money, and always follow the greed, it seems.  Big, industrial pork producers and their industry have managed to lobby, cajole, bribe, or do whatever it takes to get a new Michigan law passed which essentially redefines the word feral when used with pigs.

The commonly understood meanings are in a wild state and resembling a wild animal especially when referring to a domesticated animal having escaped from captivity or domestication, e.g. a feral cat.  But now in Michigan, it apparently will mean any pig not raised on an industrial hog farm.

Small farmers, raising pigs of other breeds than those used on industrial hog farms, will become felons under the new law, passed in 2010 and scheduled to take effect April 1, 2012.

Here's a good article describing the situation in detail:

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