Monday, January 31, 2011

Equal-Access Rights

There is a lot to say about food rights, but my focus today is access.

Here in Minnesota, it is legal to buy, sell and consume farm-fresh,
unpasteurized milk. The issue we currently face is access inequality.
Families living near farms where safe, clean milk is produced have relatively easy access, permitting them to easily visit neighboring farms and purchase fresh milk.

Not everyone lives close to a Fresh-Milk Dairy (a dairy which produces
milk intended for direct-sale to and consumption-by consumers). Some
families drive more than three hours in all seasons to reach the nearest
fresh-milk dairy.

Schools bus students miles to try to assure access equality for all students, regardless of their race, creed, color, income level, or sexual orientation. It is a no-brainer for farms to deliver directly to consumers, saving tremendous amounts of fuel and letting moms with little children pick up their food closer to home. Winters here offer treacherous driving. Is there a legislator who wants the to see the image of a car-crash, with a mother with little children, and her week's supply of milk?

Encourage your state legislators to support fair access to farm-direct foods, starting with Fresh Milk!

Video Press Conference

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